Sofia Pro bold is used for our headlines and Nunito Sans is a well balanced sans serif used for our body content. The project began with Nunito Sans, created by Vernon Adams as a rounded terminal sans serif for display typography. Jacques Le Bailly extended it to a full set of weights, and an accompanying regular non-rounded terminal version,
Type usage and guidelines
To keep typography consistent across all mediums we have put in place a few guidelines.
- Font size should always be divisible by 8 (e.g. font should be 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48...)
- The height ratio between the headline copy and the body copy should be roughly 2:1 (e.g. if headline copy is 54px body copy will be 24px)
It is not exact because we want to keep the font sizes divisible by 8. The body copy should always be about half the height of the headline copy.
Font Rules / Details
Headline Copy
- Sofia Pro / semibold for all headline copy
- No ligatures
- Kerning of -2%
- Line height is 120%
Body Copy
- Nunito Sans / Regular for all body copy
- No ligatures
- Kerning of 0%
- Line height is 120%